RAT RACE The "Rat Race" is an animalized visual representation of the human race, of individuals participating in the relentless struggle to succeed, or perhaps just to survive at any cost! The race is a direct off shoot of Nicholas Swearer’s investigation of the human condition; a study of how we interact as a result of our individual personas. ... more |
STAGS "The Stags" powerfully display their challenge to protect their territory. With striking of their bodies imminent a psychological tension is created. ... more |
ARBOR While the "Arbor" is abstract in nature it was created with symbolic meaning in mind. The two plants that join to form the arch represent two families. The roots and large vines represent the family elders which then split into the offspring. ... more |
IGGY "Iggy" is a 40 foot long iguana made of 12,500 railroad spike-heads and over 35,000 welds. Nicholas Swearer began the sculpture in 1971, at the age of 15, and took four years to complete it. ... more |
DRAGON "Liz," a whimsical fantasy dragon, was commissioned by the daughters of Max and Rebecca Gralnek in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. She was presented to the public library of Newton, Iowa in remembrance of the special times the family spent at the library ... more |
BEASTS It has been suggested that Nicholas Swearer's humans should fall under the category of "Beasts." He agrees that humans can behave far more beastly than any other creature, but thinks that it would be unfair to the animals to group them as such. He does, however, humanize his animals, as many of us do with our dogs and cats. ... more |