......Cast of Characters......
All art © copyright of N.Swearer.
All characters are cast bronze at an average height of 4 feet.
They are at a scale where a viewer can closely interact with them as individuals or passively observe them in social settings.

> Click the silhoette to view characters.<
Struggle Representing human against human

Scolder An accuser, pointing, opinionated. A strong
character often used to draw attention to Issue groupings.

Sense of Entitlement A sense of privilege over others,
or the needs of others.
TwoFaced Making opposing promises to different parties.
Vanity Societal conception and expectation of a woman.
Affecting a woman's personal outlook and society's treatment of her.
""Each character is an icon for an emotional
or physical state, or for an action."
Agreement Two males shaking hands in harmony.
Plea A broad and unencumbered plea for humanity. A kneeling character with close ties to the "Oppressed" and often used in single-issue groupings.
Pride Male couterpart to "Vanity." Puffed - up pride overshadowing other sensibilities.
Questioning The naïve questioning public, observing and questioning, but passive.
Complacent Stubborn, observing but not acting
"Body type, gesture, abstraction, and sexuality are
some of the elements I use to communicate through
these characters. I have intentionally played down the
classical notions of beauty in order to focus on
emotional and interactive qualities."
Ageing Addressing personal and social issues.
Dole Resistant to change and unable to articulate his own ideas.
Reagan Arms raised in ego glory. Sagging belly representing excess of the 80's.
Helms A little man, embarrassed at his nakedness, unable to cover himself.
Bush Thumbs up, the status quo. The continuation of Reaganism.
"More important than individual characters/symbols is there integration into groupings."
Plea Compassionate call.
Gossip Spreading rumors about the affairs of others.
Passing the buck Politician blaming others.
Skinhead Spreading narrow-minded hatred.
Innuendo Salaciously insinuating or pointing out flaws in others.
"The figures are unclothed to allow them to be independent of past, present and future references. Without clothing, and the protection it affords, the naked truth and our fragility as humans can be revealed."
Children Innocents. Questioning adults about their future.
Humor Laughing at ourselves.
Beholder Bringing issues to our attention.
Sweetie Loving nurturer.
Laughter Taking pleasure.
"My figurative and narrative installations are an observation of the universal human condition and serve as a social didactic - raising questions and searching for answers."
AIDS Looming death.
Choice Asking if she has options.
Feminist Defiant and aggressive.
Pinching Politician A character used broadly in groupings to satarize issues as diverse as budgets and sex scandals.
Denial "Who, me?"
"These installations deal with issues of personal & social responsibility focusing on sexism, racism, ageism & eliteism."
Brotherhood Loving your fellow human.
See No Evil Observing but not acting.
Say No Evil Observing but not speaking.
Observer Watching passively.
White Trash Crude. Lewd. Rude.
"The work provokes the interpreter to dialogue.This dialogue goes beyond expressing my opinions; it invites and reveals the opinions of the viewers. "
Oppressed one and two The downtrodden.
Bill Clinton Calling for change but with little effect.
Hillary Clinton In a constant state of self-explanation.
Antagonist Provoking confrontation.
Female Victim Victim of societal expectations.
"My narrative art reflects the social conditions of our times, which include rapid dehumanizing and a loss of individual identity."
Oppressed three and four The trodden - rising up.
Curator Censoring for self protection.
Depression Withdrawn and overly introspective.
Innocense Unspoiled.
Anguish Rising up.
"The majority of my characters are directly molded in wax in order to emphasize the imperfect nature of humans."
Male Victem Rising up
  Oppressed three Rising up